Solar Solutions
Every commercial pool has the potential to reduce running costs significantly and operate more efficiently with an eco-friendly design. With the trend towards eco-friendly equipment such as variable speed pumps and solar power, you can help to be in line with emission targets and save the planet with the latest technology.
In designing and delivering quality pools, Dynamic Pools takes pride in being an environmentally responsible company at the forefront of technology for creating eco-friendly pools. Apart from reducing electricity costs and saving emissions, it makes good economical sense to invest in a system that will continue to provide cost savings over the life of the pool.
While solar heating can be sourced from a solar thermal collector, a power system generated by the sun using solar PV (photovoltaic) panels will significantly reduce power costs and reduce harmful emissions.
Our team now includes a professional solar provider and this has strengthened our commitment to build more eco-friendly pools and made it even easier for you to choose solar power for your pool